Mr. Nelson
Weizen/Weissbier (15 A)
Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 55,00 l
Boil Size: 68,64 l
Boil Time: 90 min
End of Boil Vol: 61,14 l
Final Bottling Vol: 52,16 l
Date: 04 Sep 2012
Brewer: Peter Stix
Asst Brewer: Georg. Günther, Timo
Equipment: Sudhaus 55l
Efficiency: 77,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 82,3 %
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
6,00 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (3,9 EBC) Grain 1 50,0 %
5,50 kg Munich Malt – 10L (19,7 EBC) Grain 2 45,8 %
0,50 kg Carabelge (38,0 EBC) Grain 3 4,2 %
30,00 g Nelson Sauvin [12,00 %] – First Wort 90,0 min Hop 4 19,2 IBUs
18,00 g Nelson Sauvin [12,00 %] – Boil 30,0 min Hop 5 7,5 IBUs
7,00 g Nelson Sauvin [12,00 %] – Boil 0,0 min Hop 6 0,0 IBUs
2,0 pkg Maitre Brasseur (Malzwerkstatt #) Yeast 7 –
Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color
Est Original Gravity: 12,709 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 3,543 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 4,9 %
Bitterness: 26,7 IBUs
Est Color: 15,1 EBC
Mash Name: Weißbier, 2 Step, Medium Body
Sparge Water: 42,26 l
Sparge Temperature: 76,0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Total Grain Weight: 12,00 kg
Grain Temperature: 18,0 C
Tun Temperature: 18,0 C
Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash in Add 42,19 l of water at 48,3 C 45,0 C 15 min
Eiweisrast Heat to 57,0 C over 4 min 57,0 C 10 min
Maltoserast Heat to 67,0 C over 4 min 67,0 C 60 min
Mash Out Heat to 76,0 C over 4 min 76,0 C 5 min
Sparge: Fly sparge with 42,26 l water at 76,0 C
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